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Sidro di Mele

Apple Cider Types

Sparkling, Dry, Sparkling Cider, Sweet…..the apple ciders are many, choose your favorite!

How Many Types of Apple Cider Are There?

For many, apple cider is a specific drink: a single taste, a single shape, a single processing method. Therefore, one expects a sweet, sparkling, low-alcohol drink with the characteristic apple flavor.

This is not always the case because in reality there are various types of cider that also have markedly different characteristics. For example, you can find sparkling cider, sparkling cider and still cider. Discover all the different types of cider with our in-depth articles.

Since ancient times, apple cider, obtained through fermentation, usually has an alcohol content between 2 and 8 degrees. However, not all cider is the same and, depending on the processing method, fermentation and raw materials used, there are different types. Let’s look at them together.

Sparkling Cider

This type of cider hosts many varieties that we will look at in detail. The common feature of all sparkling ciders is a variable effervescence but never too marked.

Sweet Cider

To obtain sweet cider, the alcoholic fermentation must be stopped after a rather short time in order to keep the quantity of sugars high.

By doing so, you obtain a sweet, sparkling and frothy cider with a rather low alcohol content, usually below 3%. Fresh and drinkable.



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